
Hi! My name is Matthias Soberon and I’m from Belgium, land of chocolate, beer and waffles, but also of Jenever and a continuously growing craft cocktail scene! During the day I’m a teacher, author, husband and father. After hours I’m the face behind ‘SERVED BY SOBERON‘, Belgium’s leading cocktail- & spirits blog, which saw the light of day early 2017.

KIQ - Auchentoshan Dinner - HgR-266

SBS is a very versatile project: Browsing around on here or an of my socials, you’ll get to enjoy full recipes, product reviews, event summaries, etc… Although I’m mostly active on Instagram, where I share one new cocktail a day, with complete instructions on how to (re)create it.

I’m not a bartender by trade, but I have guest bartended at multiple occasions (Café Privé, Tequila & Mezcal Fest, Game of Thrones Final Season Launch Party, BiBB pop-up and Venuez), got nominated as one of the five finalists of the 2017 Belgian Food Blog Awards in the category DRINKS and in 2021 I was on the shortlist for an ‘Emerging Talent Award‘ by the International Wine & Spirits Competition.

I also finished as a finalist (top 3) for the Global Home Bar Awards in 2019 and 2020 and finished as a semi-finalist (Top 6) of the Global Tio Pepe Cocktail Competition in 2021.

I’ve sat in both national and international judging teams for cocktail contests like the 2018 global Copperhead Gin Competition (next to Marian Beke (The Gibson Bar, London), Tony Pescatori (Nightjar, London) & Erik Lorincz (Kwant, London)), the 2019 national Tio Pepe Cocktail Competition, both the 2019 and 2020 global Cardenal Mendoza’s Cocktail Competitions. In 2021 I judged the national finals of the Don Papa ‘Chefs & Shakers’ Competition (together with Chef Jan Tournier (Cuchara**) Chef Nick Bril (The Jane Antwerp**) and Chef Roger Van Damme (Het Gebaar*)) and the national finals of DIAGEO’s WorldClass Competition.

I’ve also done videos for websites like TAGMAG, got published in printed magazines (Craft Gin Club, Tipple Box, GINspired, Craft Rum Club, Culinaire Ambiance and BAR Magazine) and have done numerous consultancy jobs for brands, distilleries and pop-up bars.

If you’ve got any question for me, want to have chat, collaborate or invite me to your event, Get in touch!

Have fun reading!